Reishi ekstrakt 50 ml
350,00 kr

Shiitake (Lentinula Edodes) a nourishing and restorative superfood with replenishing potential to strengthen the immune system and support digestive health. A tonifying tonic known as the elixir of life by traditional herbalists for its marvellous immune attributes, heart support and cholesterol-lowering effects.
Shiitake is modernly known as an anti-age mushroom, rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals preserving the vitality of the skin. Useful in times for restoring health, strength and well-being.
We proudly foraging our Shiitake above the arctic circle in Scandinavia, for maximised bioavailability.
Made for everyday use as part of your daily ritual for mindful, conscious, well-being.
Quality: 10:1 Extract
2ml (1000mg) dosage per day
EU & USDA Organic Certified
Bioavailable Compounds:
Mind Studio Biotech ApS is Europes industry leader with our unique "Ultrasonic Assisted Dual Extraction". Our unique method yields up to twice as potent extracts as traditional extracts and +90% bioavailability. Proudly formulated and bottled in Denmark.
Kendt som 'udødelighedens svamp' bruges Reishi traditionelt til at understøtte et sundt immunsystem og fremme en sund stressreaktion. Reishi kan beskytte mod oxidativt stress, reducere inflammation og bedre afslappende nattesøvn.
Vores Reishi er en af naturens mest rene og mest potente funktionelle svampe.
Vi fouragerer vores Reishi nord for polarcirklen i Skandinavien, for at opnå maksimal biotilgængelighed.